Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a children's novel written and illustrated by Jeff Kinney. It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The book is about a boy named Greg Heffley and his attempts to become popular in his first year of middle school. ..
Greg Heffley’s eighth adventure (but who’s counting?) centers on his relationship with his best friend, Rowley—more specifically, the demise of that relationship when Rowley gets a girlfriend. At first, Greg tries to insert himself into the mix, but he soon tires of Abigail’s pathological control (s..
Catch the hapless Greg Heffley as he navigates his way through family and school life with his best friend, Rowley, by his side in a brand new Wimpy Kid adventure! About the Author The Diary of A Wimpy Kid series is an international bestseller and has now been made into two blockbuster films. As wel..
Three months after making her choice between Ejike, Doug, and Dongjap, Rachel dusts off her diary...They are expecting a baby, but her marriage is not what she anticipated it would be. But that's just normal, right? Nothing real faith and fervent prayer can't handle...But as the years go by, Rachel ..